Friday, September 12, 2008

Just taken from youtube... I'm lazy to post about the week so I won't. Btw for you fools the rajang looks like Kai Hui and the gravios is actuslly besarios, in case you were too dumb to tell XP.

Here's my top 10 most annyying monsters:

10: Plesioth

9: Chamelos

8: Shen Gaoren

7: Melynx

6: All preys (velo,gen,gia,io)

5: Blangonga

4: Hermitaur/cenataur

3: Vespoids

2: Kirin

1: Bullfangoes

Why? Plesioth is a plain arse, for blademasters, u guys hate it more :D. Chamelos coz of his bloody tongue, and the pure gay fact that it is invisible -.-. Shen Gaoren is more personal, I can't kill it and I'm stuck on 6 star quests. Melynx, they may be cats, but they're idiotic theives I hate them they stole my shock trap against tigrex before... jerks. The preys... they're all irritating trying to kill gravios? Count on ioprey to poison you, in the desert? Stay away from genprey, or you'll be a sitting duck for wyverns. Blangonga, the pure fact that it wipes your paintball away pisses almost everyone off. It's a big jerk like melynx. Hermitaur/ cenataur, not damiyo or shogun... although they did make my list for annoying boss monsters. But their small henchmen... fight plesioth, and one of the retarded crabs will speed up to you and smack you, leaving you for the dead... nasty combo since plesioth is also gay. Vespoids... what can I say? everone hates them, especially gunners. Go on a cliff and you're sure to meet vespoids they fly in front of you when you shoot clusters... it happened to me before... I hate vespoids! Why kirin? cause it dosen't look like an elder dragon :D, and the dumb lightning bolt that always manages to find you -.- when reloading, you see a white spot beneath you, say"oh crap" and then get stunned. Last but not least, BULLFANGOS those bloody boar things... all players of mh will know what I mean -.- no need to explain.

My annoying boss monster chart:

10: Rathalos, it refuses to stay on the ground.

9: Congalala, a farting pink monkey, what can I say? (other than it is Kai Hui in disguise)

8: All dromes (bulldrome,gendrome,cephadrome... you get the point)

7: Lunastra / Teostra (bloody dragons... they have godly ranges with their bombing attacks and cheating charges.)

6: Khezu, okay for gunners this is a piece of cake, but its fugly... get what I mean?

5: Plesioth, nuff said

4: Chamelos bloody gay piece of crap...

3: Gaoren, giant, ugly crab thing I can't kill.

2: Blangonga, paintball wiping jerk.

1: Kirin, looks cute but suddenly you get owned by it.