Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hurray! An update!

I don't know whether to enjoy Wednesdays or to hate them... the day's lessons seemed interesting enough, since there was PE. My arms now feel like break due to the numerous amounts of push-ups I did, which amounted to almost thirty!

Well, the day started quite badly, it was mother tongue reading period. Jonathan ended up spitting out water from his mouth onto the floor as he laughed while drinking water, it was very disgusting and totally grossed me out. Other than that, no real incidents happened, until later.

Next was English, Mr tan went further elaborating on blogs and told us that our blogs must be ready to be peer-assessed tomorrow. Which is why I'm writing this post in the first place.

Anyway, next up was PE, we failed to 'fall in' in time and ended up needing to do more than 10 push-ups. Afterwards we learnt the basics of hockey like dribbling, trapping and pushing the ball. I was chosen to do a demonstration and I failed badly. We had a practice drill which involved a pair passing and trapping the hockey ball. Those that failed had to do 2 push-ups each afterwards. The ones that came in last few in the dribbling practice had to do 20 push-ups... My hockey ball was hit away by someone else, leaving me nothing else to use and so I ended up doing around 30 push-ups in PE lesson, not to mention 10 half-squats and 10 sit-ups...

After PE, I went back up to class to re-hydrate and change back to school shorts before going back down to the school field to play soccer. My team won 3-0 with Aloysius, Feng Yuan and Yash scoring. I didn't get the chance to shoot at all, but I feel that my left foot is my stronger foot and that my teamwork with Marcus is quite good.

When we came back from our soccer match, I found out that Tyler had somehow managed to spray the fire extinguisher, emptying it. Mr Tan was quite... I mean very angry when he found out. Well, who wouldn't when the school is undergoing external validation and this kind of stuff happens? Zhaf and Keith handled the situation quite effectively, listening to the class' suggestions before deciding on a course of actions. I think we have chosen the right monitors.

For geography, talked about reasons leading to high population rates and watch a video about China's one child policy. Nothing much more to talk about though... I most certainly will have ideas after Saturday but I'm considering keeping the 'CCA' theme for the last post.