Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mega long post XD

I'm posting again (clap clap) XD and this time I'm gonna post ALOT for once...

First, let me wish my readers (Mus XD) a merry chirstmas and happy new year (I KNOW I'M LATE)

For the last few days of the holidays, I've been playing ps3 (yes i got 1, finally :)) and on the 29th of December I went to-

CO CAMP (yay)


Went to school, sat on floor outside CO room , slacked around and waited for Kai Hui, Clifford and others. When they did arrive, rain had just picked up, poor people like NKH had to walk through rain... (I think)stupid leaves kept dripping water on my head and specs on the way into school =.=.

When they finally DID arrive, the com had some meeting inside and we were forced to sit outside and wait >.< and than they finally let us in...

We got split into groups... I was saying that they won't be so mad to put the 1D people into the same group... well almost all of us got split anyway

Ernest was booted into group 1 >.<

I *think* no one was in group 2 (I could be wrong you know =.=)

If my memory isn't failing me Chen Jie was in group 3

Me and Kai Hui were in group 4 (god, we were together in group 6 in June camp =.=)

My memory's really bad, I don't think any of us got in group 5

I distinctly remember Clifford was in group 6 (Please don't kill me if I'm wrong)

And guess who was my group's facil, Wee Bian >.< Kai Hui got him for 3 times already, first in March then June then now (I'm starting to think that it was purposely chosen)

We gloriously started the day with sectionals... yes of all the ways to start >.<. Near the end of sectionals the band invaded the 5th floor lift landing, I couldn't even hear myself PLAYING (this goes to show how friggin loud they were cause I actually was unable to hear my suona =.=) We escaped down to 4th floor outside the CO room for the last 5 minutes where I stupidly set up the score stand again for nothing =.=

After that, we headed down to parkway for luch and amazing race! (It isn't very amazing though =.=) Our group was last, but I had more time to eat XD I remember I had roasted duck rice (I think...) I spilled half of my soup while walking back to the table! Fag lah... wasted >.<

We had to go to certain shops both in and around Parkway and once we reach the shop, we'd have to do a forfeit to get points... I hated the Giant forfeit... and we got chased out of borders T.T We had to find certain um... stuff at giant and add or multiply the prices (I really can't remember) which included ice cream, nuts and even cat litter (I AM NOT GONNA MENTION THE OTHER STUFF partly due to the fact that I can't remember and that I don't want to say what 1 of the items were >.<)

After it ended my group realised that some of the shops were OUTSIDE of the shopping mall =.= anyway we took 76, and at the bus stop outside the school field I decided to alight since Kai Hui said he wanted, and later he betrayed me... and stayed on the bus... damn...

Later had mass games, Amoeba Tag and Taking lives >.< Amoeba Tag involves 2 people holding hands and trying to tag other people, if they get tagged, they join the line =.= I was handpicked by Wee Bian to be the first 2... I hate my luck >.<

We were going damn slowly, the line kept breakign cause people at the 2 sides went 2 opposite directs... felt as though I was being torn in half T.T and eventually the commitee had to form another line and help us -.- some people still managed to survive though.

Taking lives seriously was taking MY life, I was being assaulted by people trying to steal stickers from my back (everyone had 3) while being pulled in half again >.<

After that, we had station games! We brought down our stuff to the flexi rooms first to store since we could not go back up to CO room until tomorrow =.=

My group started out at station 4, where we had Bryan (Heng) and Melvin, 2 people had to tie raffia to a cup (which had the word CO on it!) and manipulate the cup to pour water from a bucket in the centre to plastic cups of people lying down surounding the bucket. Amazingly, they chose me as the first victim... I mean person-whose-cup-had-to-be-filled-up-first and splashing quite alot of water on me. Eventually they moved on to Benjamin (Bob!) and he got spilled on ALOT more than me they managed tyo fill almost the whole cup and spill the water on poor Bob XD but they managed to fill the cup tho :) after they filled the first cup there was around 2 minutes left, than they started going crazy and filling out cups in 1 or 2 tries... if only they had mastered it sooner =.=

After that, Bryan pointed us to the WRONG station and we ended up at station 1 -.- we had to cover our eyes and use and spoon to "feel" and item and guess what it is, I got a ghey item and my reply was ahem... a fake thing >.< Kai Hui told me to stab it with the spoon, I ended up breaking the stupid, fragile and pathetic plastic spoon =.= And the item was- A FAKE MOUSE >.< Bob's item rocked, he got a kettle XD

After that we proceeded to another sation where we had Eusebio and Emersius =.= We were playing pictionary... with a twist it was like normal pictionary but the drawer must be fufilling a special condition that's the twist. Bob got the worst again, he had to piggyback either one of the 2 stationmasters T.T Obviouslt he chose his beloved SL, Emersius! XD

Next was the utterly revolting, disgusting and useless station at the spiral staircase, each person had to blindfold himself, me and Kai Hui had to use our wet PE shirts! and than pass a rubber band WITH THEIR MOUTH. The evil stationmasters than smeared a concoction of mayonnaise, wasabi and some other stuff onto our lips, but Kai Hui couldn't tasted the stupid stuff on his mouth while my lips were practically burning >.< We managed to pass 3 rubber bands in total, I was the last guy :)

The last station game we played involved matching commitee members and their traits (which they wrote themselves) people from my group actually put "I am black" for Eusebio XD. We were allowed to do a forfeit to remove 1 comm member's name and trait off the list at the cost of 2 points and we made the mistake of trying to remove Jordan's name T.T He made us spell mellifluous or something (if this is right it's done by the wonder called the dictionary). We failed the forfeit miserably and only got 5 out of 22 correct in the end T.T

We didn't do Wee Bian's staion that involved numbers and other languages cuase it was apparantly too dark >.< So my group had an early dinner and early shower (yay) Afterwards we had talentime preparation and Kai Hui made ideas like Mumbai and 'belly dancing' which made him get into a mess that probably destroyed his reputation :)

After that, had water parade and slept IN THE CANTEEN =.=

DAY 2 (omg, so long and it's only day 2)

Woke up at 5am and didn't manage to sleep much afterward,later got woke up by NKH who had a very... um... weird sleeping position... Changed into CO shirst and than waited till time to go for PT in front of the foyer, had to run 1 round around school... and had to pump on the uber damn painful brick floor =.=.

Had a pathetic breakfast of white bread, there was strawberry jam but everyone was commenting how it looked like lipstick and Kai Hui put ALOT of jam into his bread, so much that when he pressed it i half it sort of 'overflowed' the milo was diluted, but at least better than nothing...

headed back up to CO room for Dazu with Mr Goh, did only Feng Nian Ji (from bar errm... 20 something) and Brazil Brazil for sec 1 orientation. After practicing for only ONCE we headed down to the small and pathetic area just in front of the bridge across to the library to perform. Screwed up a little than went back up to Co room and practiced Jiu Ge (right?) until 1pm where we went down for lunch... I THINK IT WAS 酒歌...

Had lunch of chicken with weird sauce and went back up for more dazu... this time conducted by Bryan... I think he was trying to kill woodwind or something, he kept going throught part N which needs ALOT of breath to play =.=

Afterwards, he invite some sec2s (now sec3s)to conduct but the best was... Jie Fu
cause his conducting simply sucked, he was conducting jiu ge, but he flipped 1 page every bar and when he reached the end, he CLOSED the jiu ge zhongpu and took out the one for SONG OF CICADA and was conducing jiu ge while reading the zhongpu for chang ge =.= The whole woodwind section wasn't playing, we were laughing too hard to play our instruments XD

Oh yeah, I think somewhere between after dazu with Mr Goh and dazu with Bryan we playing Blind soccer- I think, Your partner is blindfolded and you had to lead him along as you play, I had 2 shots on target lah! First shot was saved than Chen Jie went to score my rebound T.T After that Kai Hui was leading me, he was running uber;y fast and tacking like nuts, as though I wasn't even there =.=

After the dazu ended, we went for waterbomb fight! weeee... It was supposed to be an orderly dodgeball game, but it quickly degenerated to a free-for-all with the commitee being the main targets... especially Emersius for 1D people :) Bryan than manged to take a FIRE HOSE and started spraying everyone =.=

After that chaos we went to bathe, apparantly Eusebio, Lin Chun and Emersius fell into the koi pond while we were in line to bathe. Luckily I managed to get a cubicle just before the comm came in, poor Kai Hui had to wait although he was lining up behind me... after I went out of the gym toilet Kai Hui wanted to amuze himself and stole Eusebio's pants with Lin Chun =.=

Had dinner of nasi lemak-like stuff and began preparing for talentime, actually we only did 1 final rehearsal before slacking off... I don't feel like posting the script so too bad :)

The themes were solar system and Song of Cicada =.=

All I can say was that Kai Hui did belly-dancing and the funeral song was played =.= Oh yeah and the script involved terrorists and someone saying that Song of Cicada SUCKED (well, it IS true XD)

After that, had water parade that involved alot of 'Si behs' and Jordan and Eusebio lying to us that the nightwalk had been changed to 'nicewalk' with fragrant flowers marking the way and all lights on, seniors popping out and saying HAPPY NEW YEAR instead of scary you and that fireworks would go off and a prize would be awarded when you reach the end =.=

Obviously that was all crap, and we actually watched a short clip of Mr Bean with the episode where he went to a school's open house (thank god he didn't visit VS XD) and stealing his paths back from a gun who takes it by mistake =.=

After that, the REAL movie started, Ju-On 2... I didn't understand it at all and it isn't half as scary as dead silence when you don't know what the heck the actors are saying =.=

Afterwards, we had to move outside the flexi rooms and wait for us to be randomly selected to go for the nightwalk, while waiting there a was cockroach which got kicked away by our nice VSCO alumni member, while he was telling ghost stories =.= I got so sleepy I wasn't even scared by them lah... most of them were retold anyway...

I was the FOURTH LAST selected to go, and started at the scouts toilet, the passageway into that toilet is pitch dark and damn scary, but by the time I went most of them were probably too lazy/tired to bother scaring me since most of the stations had no one there. Went in signed and onward to the gym toilet!

Nothing scary there, just 1 big toilet with lots of lightsticks and 1 mahjong paper =.= To the swing!

Well, the paper was near the swing, you had to step on some dead leaves to get to the paper, to the field!

At the direct left corner of the field, there was the paper and a half-eaten apple left by Jie Fu =.= to the DnT lab (outside)

The paper was at the bench, signed and to the toilet nearby!

DnT toilet, signed, opened door to prefectorial board!

I coulden't find where the lightsticks led to, I looking for the mahjong paper outside while Bryan was sitting on a table watching... eventually tried the door and it worked =.= Inside 3 alumni members asked 2 questions : If you overtake the last person in a race, what position are you in? Obviously it's impossible lah =.= and :How many people are there in this room? 5, 3 alumni, me, Bryan... should have said 4, I'm not a person XD To the Square garden!

They evilly put 3 whiteboards/noticeboards to block your view and there was 1 person hiding behind 1 of the whiteboards who had a torch, it might have been Emersius, I was too sleepy to care =.= signed, toward dentist toilet

On the way there, I saw Eusebio squatting there like damn emo XD anyway I had 2 choices, male or female toilet, obviously I chose female, probably the only time you CAN go in without getting whacked =.= To the construction site (actually beside)

While exiting the toilet Ashley tried to scare me, failed miserably =.= Went in the direction of lightsticks, stingy people on put 2 that make an arrow, got slightly lost and needed to have Jordan to point me the direction, signed to 'beside the hostel'!

Again Jordan pointed me the direction T.T walked 1 big round around hostel and signed, to spiral staircase!

There was some sort of net on the spiral staircase, didn't go off, don't know why, don't care signed, and some VERY loud sound like some sort of gunpowder went off dunno what that was for =.= To HOD toilet!

Wow... they love female toilets... anyway this one was small, but I needed to close the door and there was only light from 1 lightstick inside, so it was quite scary T.T

Last was 5th storey staircase, signed went back to hall. took back my inflatable pillow from under Clifford's head and slept


Slept through half of my handphone alarm and woke up anyone in the vicinity XD

Changed into last Pe shirt and went down for breakfast, it was Lor Mai Gai from the canteen and resonable filling, got a damn dirty spoon and had to change it =.=

Went up to Co room to find out that Group 4 was trailing by 1 point to group 6 due to yesterday's ownage performance had final mass game called cinderella's slipper or something like that where 1 person would have to fight their partner's shoe in a jumbled up pile, Kai Hui's shoe was damn obvious since it was damn ugly, I mean, who wears shoes with combination of black, green and white!? Bob won the last round and we got 20 points, letting us lead by 19 points :D

Back in the Co room,bryan was giving out eclipse mints to people who answer his questions right, and he asked: Who thinks Eusebio likes the KCCO vice chair raise ur hand. Clifford raised first and Eusebio threatened to pump him XD next question was the reversal of the one above and Chen Jie raised first XD. From behind, someone asked a sick question regarding our dear chairman and Kai Hui told Bryan that's why Eusebio had a picture of his 'son' on his handphone =.=

Afterwards was the CO awards!

I don't remember all the winners but,
Emersius won the 'best commitee member award' and got some sort of pillow thing with his face on it =.=
Ashley won the 'worst commitee member award' and got the KC bear =.=
Kai Hui won the 'most faithful member award' and got a stuffed dog which has now turned mysteriously pink!

After all that we finally got dismissed and went home! I was slacking around and sleeping and then rushing my homework on January the 1st, =.=

this ends my uber long post! I update about new school year this weekend!